Our Services
Meet our services

Main cast

Charecter selection


Main cast
Construction of stellar cast and principal characters. We summon and audition the most talented and representative actors of all Hispanic America for the main characters in a series, movie or soap opera.
Supporting character and BITs selection
We contribute and support the local casting process in any country of Latin America for international productions. For movies, series and soap operas, we help in the acquisition of talent for special participations, supporting characters, secondary or extras.

Supporting character and BITs selection
We contribute and support the local casting process in any country of Latin America for international productions. For movies, series and soap operas, we help in the acquisition of talent for special participations, supporting characters, secondary or extras.

Consulting for production companies
We provide consulting and support for local and international production companies by integrating part of the Casting-By team to the production team, in the development phases, as well as in the pre-production, production and post-production phases in order to achieve important synergies.
Negotiation and hiring of professionals
Our service of negotiations and hiring of talent allows production companies to integrate the post-casting phase to the casting service. Automatically, this service speeds up the negotiation process and prevents the toing and froing between the production and the casting. At the same time, our extensive knowledge of the market benefits the client.

Negotiation and hiring of professionals
Our service of negotiations and hiring of talent allows production companies to integrate the post-casting phase to the casting service. Automatically, this service speeds up the negotiation process and prevents the toing and froing between the production and the casting. At the same time, our extensive knowledge of the market benefits the client.

Extras coordination
We work exclusively with a specialized company dedicated to the extras coordination for movies, series and commercials. By pooling our different search capabilities of talent, we provide a quality service to the production companies and we respond to their needs at the right times.
Behind the scenes
Our team offers a behind the scenes service to the production companies in order to cover the requirements of the digital platforms or television channels.

Behind the scenes
Our team offers a behind the scenes service to the production companies in order to cover the requirements of the digital platforms or television channels.

Consulting for actors
We offer a selfcast service for actors including professional casting recording, replica, direction and the delivery of edited casting through a link that is ready to be sent.